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Hermit Crab Care

Watermelon Carnival - Mommy of Many - 8/9/2005
As some of you know, (Mainly Sabrina)Watermelon Carnival was last Friday and Saturday. I went in on Friday and handed the lady with the hermies some "buisness cards" (ha ha ha) that she could pass out as she sells hermies, so that I could maybe find others in our area with hermies as a common interest, on the board. Well, I went back to Watermelon Carnival at the end of it all (Couldn't get there sooner) as she was packing up to see if I could get the rest of my cards and see the hermies one last time. I took all the change that I could find in my house before I left (Around $5 or so). lol! Yes! I am bad!
Well, I got there, she told me that she was able to hand out some cards, but when I turned around I saw the rest of my cards on the sidewalk rained on. :o( Needless to say, I didn't even ask about them.
Well, I was looking at her smaller crabs. I knew that I could not afford the jumbo that I was looking at the day before. I commented that I would like to buy a hermie as I was looking at the little ones, and stated that I knew I could not get the one I was looking at the day before. I then looked into the jumbo tank and he was still there. She picked him up and put him into a box for me, then said she knows that I do not have the amount she was asking, but she will take my baggie ofchange for him. I told her that it was only around $5 or so, and she said that was okay. I had the nerve to ask her if she was sure, and she said yes. I was trying not to get too excited! He is a beautiful, dark exo., jumbo, PP! I named him Buddy, as we got along so well. My hubby was about to take me out on a date, so Buddy went with. I had a wonderful evening. Glad that I was able to get out that day at all, but so much better was my getting Buddy.
I am a very happy Mommy of Many! :o) Thank you Cheryl!!! (That is her name)
I wish I had gotten her information. I don't know why I didn't. In all of my excitement I forgot to ask for one of her cards and to see if she has a website. Oh well.
ANyhow. When we got home that eve. I got Buddy all ready to go into the main tank (Couldn't wait. lol) and he and the others got together and had a blast. There was action that evening, and ever since!
My hermies like newbies as much as I do!

Thanks for reading! I just had to share.

Mommy of Many