Welcome to the Hermie Haven!
A place where you can learn about Tree crabs, otherwise known as Hermit crabs, and learn how to care for them as pets!

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Hermit Crab Care

Yes - Jordan Rubatt - 7/1/2005
I had to GET A NEW name again!........So then I copied what this said
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'SessionID='.

/MessageBoard/TCHH_newmessage.asp, line 30

I dont know what this piece of information means but.......I think i know what the problem is.
If your computer asks you if you want the computer to remember your username and password don't click yes. this piece of error will block you!!!!!!!!
I have did it once on purpose thinking it wouldent happen and once on accident.......what is this error?