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A place where you can learn about Tree crabs, otherwise known as Hermit crabs, and learn how to care for them as pets!

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Hermit Crab Care

Biting hermie, angry owner... - Mommy of Many - 6/25/2005
If you really did get pinched by your hermie and you do not wish to keep it, let me know by email and we will help you find a home for it.
Many times new hermies can be easily frightened, and sometimes it is the way we handle them without realizing it. They can feel insecure and grab a hold of your skin to keep from falling. If they do fall from too high their abdomin can rupture inside of the shell and kill them instantly or they can die a very painful death in the end.
If you want to give your hermie a second chance and see if you can work things out we can help you, but please don't get too upset with it. Flinching and getting angry is a reaction that comes natural for many, but it is best to try to stay calm for both you and your hermie. If you rip a hermie off your skin after it has pinched you, you can rip your hand, and throwing the hermie can cause it to die. I know that may be your first reaction and that you may not care about it anymore since it didn't seem too friendly to you, but all in all it may have just been hanging onto you for dear life. Try thinking of the hermie. It can seem quite humorous in a way.

Really if you do not want your hermie you can contact me and I will help you locate someone in your state that can adopt it. It may be best to email me so that others do not know where your location is that you may not want to know just yet. I will then find out if we have any adoptees in your area, make sure they can care for your hermie and help you to get in touch with them.

I do hope you can work things out with your hermie first though. You would find out that they can be quite fun in the end, and understand why we all see them as family. Try holding your hermie in a rag at first until it gets used to being held and you can see that it doesn't try grabbing a hold all of the time. It may just not be use to it.

I wish you the best of luck!

Mommy of Many

P.S.. Anyone else reading this... Lets try and give Tommy some time and try to understand that the reaction was one brought on by frustration. Try to help Tommy out instead of getting too upset. I know that none of us like what we heard, but you also have to realize that once in a while people like to post things that are not true, just so they can get a reaction out of others. This may or may not be the case here, but in any case, lets try to help out in some way...

Tommy. A real email address would be ideal if you want an adopter. ;o)