Welcome to the Hermie Haven!
A place where you can learn about Tree crabs, otherwise known as Hermit crabs, and learn how to care for them as pets!

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Hermit Crab Care

How to Feed a 5 inch hermie. he he! - Sarah - 3/10/2005
Hi TImothy, I am assuming that you meant to hit the D on your keyboard instead of the S which is right beside it. Feeding a 5 inch hermie is no harder than a small 1/2 inch hermie. You place their food in a dish and they do the rest. If you are asking what to feed him there are many hermit crab foods on the market. You just see what your hermie likes. BEsides that they like apples, grapes and most other fruits. Not citrus though. I have noticed it can be a bad thing. THey also like meat scraps from the table. Jusst play around and have some fun learning what he or she likes. I am sorry my reply was so long in comming. I have been having a lot of computer trouble lately and can't always get on the website. Thank you Lindalou for replying!

Mommy of Many