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A place where you can learn about Tree crabs, otherwise known as Hermit crabs, and learn how to care for them as pets!

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Hermit Crab Care

paint - Linda - 8/3/2004
Hi Travis,
I did some research and found that you can safely paint empty hermit crab shells.
1. Use non toxic acrylic paint
2. Use non toxic sealer/glaze

Boil shells and let cool and dry
paint only the outsides of the shells taking care not to get any paint inside.
Let shells dry and air in a well ventilated area for 1 week
cover with glaze letting dry and air again for a week also taking care not to get any glaze inside the shells

The reason for the long air dry time is that fumes/odors quickly build up in the crabitat and can harm your hermies.

One other thing to keep in mind, most hermit crabs prefer natural shells over painted shells. Although some do like the painted ones.
You might observe what color shells yours are choosing from the natural and try to blend your painted shells along similar lines.
I have also noticed that they often choose shells that provide camoflauge.
